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Introducing Hypnotherapy  

As the world grows and changes, it's not surprising that healing styles and methods would also grow.  As many are now more open to becoming authentic and true to themselves during the healing process, it would be normal that the search would reach much farther than counselling sessions.  Today, we are introducing hypnotherapy as a healing modality at infinite light transformation services.  This method has proved to be extremely valuable in the healing process.

Why Hypnotherapy? 

  • it is extremely RELAXING... you will find your body will feel relaxed and your mind at peace
  • it is SAFE... in a safe environment you are guided into a space that is of your choosing, always accompanied by the therapist
  • it is AUTHENTIC... this means this is all about YOU and YOUR mind.  Accessing places, emotions or events that live within your mind and body - it all belongs to you
  • it is EFFECTIVE... you will FEEL better without going through any trauma of your story; suggestions really do work
  • it is QUICK... after 1 session, you can feel more empowered, stronger and motivated to move forward.  We can access and deal with core issues, at your own pace
  • it is MAGICAL... for all you 'children at heart', your imagination can reach the highest potential and so can your creativity
Natural Healing

"Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment.  Our work is to transform that into a trance of empowerment."


Dr. Milton H. Erickson

What is Hypnotherapy??

Imagine a place where your mind is at peace and all is calm... no noise, no distractions, no thinking... just calm.  Imagine what you could do in this space... Imagine the possibilities of moving forward without internal chaos...


Do you remember daydreaming as a child? Have you ever zoned out while driving or walking, and wondered how you got to your destination?  Have you found yourself in a fantasy daydream at work?  Have you looked out at the stars or water and time just flew by?  Have you meditated?  Have you prayed? 

These are called trances (half conscious state)... you were in a state of trance.  


Our Process of Counselling Hypnotherapy;  

  • we will spend some time talking about the issues or situations that you are currently struggling with.  
  • we will discuss 'suggestions' that would benefit you, the 'ideal' way of feeling - at your choosing
  • we will chat about the things that inspire you and the things you really enjoy (your ideal self).  
  • you will be guided into a very relaxed state, then into a state of trance.  
  • you are then moved into a space where you can access your deepest mind.  In this space, there is no chaos... there is only truth, solutions, answers, and many possibilities for YOU.  
  • in this deep state of trance, you are now able to respond highly to suggestions that will benefit you according to your key issues.  Because these suggestions are to your unconscious mind, they can now impact the values that influence your decision-making.

You will experience the 'feeling' of these suggestions and carry that forward... you now will have something to look forward to and to strive for, this does begin the transformation of self.  


Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that brings you around the trauma, to overcome those deepest fears to give you back your freedom... to give you back control of your life.  

holistic healing

A few area examples where Hypnotherapy can help

  • Feelings of hopelessness and deep sorrow: do you constantly try to convince yourself you feel better when you don't?  Are the daily affirmations not working?  Are you feeling tired and drained of energy?  Are you fighting to keep that 'happy' mask on each day? Are you feeling no purpose?      imagine a place where you could feel better... where you feel your own energy, feel alive, feel joy, feel compassion, feel freedom - all this within your own self every day... imagine that possibility... 
  • Feelings of fear:  Are you feeling worried or scared?  Are you constantly worrying about yourself or loved ones?  Are you hesitating to take any risk?  Are you struggling to move forward?       imagine a space where you could feel less fear... to feel more comfortable and safe within yourself... to finally 'let go' and discover a new you with beautiful acceptance... imagine that possibility... 
  • Feeling stuck in life:  are you ​struggling with the repeated 'mundane' routine?  Are you missing adventure and lacking motivation?  Are you needing inspiration.     imagine a space of adventure... within yourself. What if you could find a new perspective and be creative?  What if you could find the motivation to ​move in that direction?  What if you could find inspiration within yourself and make choices that impact you in authentic and great ways?  Imagine the possibility of adventure in yourself... imagine this new way of thinking...
  • Feeling stressed:  are you too busy?  Do you feel rushed? Do you feel overwhelmed?  Are you edgy and reacting too much?  Are you feeling burdened?  Are you taking on too much?        imagine a space of relaxation and calm... a place where you can connect with your whole self and enjoy quiet of the mind.  Imagine the possibilities of stillness and peace within yourself... imagine what it would be like to not be overwhelmed all the time... 

Past Life Regression

Discover and uncover a universal truth to who you are and where you have been.  In a unique state of reality, using hypnotherapy technique you can look at life from a soul perspective... to uncover significant events, emotions or experiences that have set into the soul experience before this 'time', this life... and how that has impacted you on your universal journey today.  This allows the opportunity to move forward with spiritual solutions for soul growth and soul movement.

Self Hypnosis is very powerful and effective if done properly.  This is a practice of being able to access this deep relaxation & state of trance on your own.  In this state, you can de-escalate yourself and work through any issue you may be having... to deal with it right then and there, regulate yourself, let it go and give yourself what you need at that moment to move forward. 


We can teach you how to use Self Hypnosis safely and effectively.  START your own authentic healing today!  YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Are you interested in self Hypnosis?



You use hypnosis not as a cure, but as a means of establishing a favorable climate in which to learn

Dr. Milton H. Erickson

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